Unity Android 2022 Release-Notes

🌈Unity Android 2022 Release-Notes


2022.3.17Android: Added Auto Rotation behavior to the Orientation section.(UUM-44021)
2022.3.16Android: Fixed ad banner disappearance after suspend/resume.(UUM-57151)
2022.3.16Android: Fixed merged manifest path for permissions event.(UUM-51545)
2022.3.16Android: Fixed PersistentUnitySurface potentially crashing on destroy if given context is not an Activity.
2022.3.16Android: Improved ANR recovery logic, Unity will try not to exceed ANR threshold (5 seconds) when pausing the application.(UUM-56705)
2022.3.16Android: You can override UnityPlayerActivity.java, by placing the file directly in Unity project, this was accidentally broken with incremental build pipeline.(UUM-57761)
2022.3.15Android: AdmobSDK banner ad disappears when the device goes to the home screen and returns to the application(UUM-57151)
2022.3.15Android: Bump Android Logcat package to 1.4.0.
2022.3.15Android: Input device listener processes the callback on UI thread, instead of the Main thread; this was incompatible with GameActivity setup, where Java looper is not present on Unity’s main thread. This change fixed the bug where DualShock4 controller was not recognised after being disconnected and reconnected to certain Android devices.(UUM-52211)
2022.3.15Android: When picking target API level which is not the highest installed API level, Unity will now show a dialog asking if you want install it and will install missing API level upon request, previously Unity would throw an error and would ask you to install API level manually. This new behavior will be available only in non batch mode, in batch mode you would still receive an error, the reason is to avoid potential implicit errors.(UUM-52052)
2022.3.14Android: Google play.asset-delivery package version is updated to 2.1.0 to solve PAD related compatibility problem with Android 14.(UUM-54157)
2022.3.13Android: Error “Execution failed for task ‘:launcher:checkReleaseDuplicateClasses’” is thrown when building with a “Build App Bundle (Google Play)” and “Split Application Binary” enabled at the same time(UUM-49559)
2022.3.12Android: Error “Execution failed for task ‘:launcher:checkReleaseDuplicateClasses’” is thrown when building with a “Build App Bundle (Google Play)” and “Split Application Binary” enabled at the same time(UUM-49559)
2022.3.12Android: Fixed an issue where the preserved screen was displayed when using swipe for pop-up view.(UUM-48173)
2022.3.12Android: Further fix Screen.brightness setter on Xiaomi phones with Android 11 or higher. The minimum screen brightness value will be capped at 0.04, since setting this value lower would default to system brightness setting.(UUM-47926)
2022.3.12Android: Screen.brigthness getter will adjust logarithmic scale for Android Pie or higher.(UUM-48141)
2022.3.11Android: Fixed a bug related to the “Mute Other Audio Sources” player setting on Android. There were two cases where another app’s audio might not get muted when it should be. This could happen if the other app was started before the Unity app or if the other app was played via the Android “quick panel” after the Unity app was started.(UUM-37753)
2022.3.11Android: Fixed a potential race condition during pause routine, which would cause application to accidentally quit instead of pausing.(UUM-30732)
2022.3.11Android: Fixed background color when rendering over native UI.(UUM-32877)
2022.3.11Android: Fixed URP FinalBlit on Adreno 3XX GPUs.(UUM-41795)
2022.3.11Android: Screen.brigthness will correctly return values on phones like Oppo or Xiaomi, previously the value was sometimes bigger than 1.0.(UUM-48141)
2022.3.11Android: Setting Screen.brightness will now work correctly, it will be applied via https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams#screenBrightness, thus system setting ‘display brightness’ will remain unaffected, thus not affecting other applications.(UUM-47926)
2022.3.10Android: Fixed AndroidJavaProxy not always finding over private methods.(UUM-44752)
2022.3.10Android: Fixed Input.multiTouchEnabled setter when it’s called before any touch event, previously such values would be disregarded since internally there was no touch device available for multiTouch to set to.(UUM-47104)
2022.3.10Android: Fixed locations of unaligned load/stores on 32-bit Android.(UUM-46550)
2022.3.10Android: Removed screen with centred app icon before the splash screen.(UUM-41488)
2022.3.10Android: Show the last rendered frame when the application come back from the pause state.(UUM-30881)
2022.3.7Android: Fixed an issue where Android build system was asking for an API level that didn’t exist.(UUM-40891)
2022.3.7Android: Fixed an issue where pause was not processed when onPause() is called right after onResume() is called.(UUM-23247)
2022.3.7Android: On closing the touch screen keyboard TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput is set to true.(UUM-39642)
2022.3.6Android: Fixed unpatched activity tags in AndroidManifest.(UUM-40774)
2022.3.5Android: AndroidJavaProxy correctly maps null variables (e.g empty string) for reflection search + automatic tests for AndroidJavaProxy.(UUM-30243)
2022.3.5Android: Fixed crash when using Optimized Frame Pacing combined with Vulkan native rendering plugins.(UUM-36096)
2022.3.5Android: Fixed Unity allocator crash when forcing -systemallocator on ARM64 with Android 10/11 or higher.(UUM-40105)
2022.3.4Android: Updated that the text inputfield to appear and disappear with the “Enter” key.(UUM-30811)
2022.3.1Android: Fixed errors on new InputSystem when using mouse clicks on Samsung Dex.(UUM-19038)
2022.3.0Android: Avoid an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function
2022.3.0Android: Filter some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds
2022.3.0Android: Avoid an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function
2022.3.0Android: Filter some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds
2022.2.21Android: Fixed ‘back button’ press on VideoPlayer.(UUM-33468)
2022.2.21Android: The ‘Filter Touches When Obscured’ Player Setting is now respected by the new input system.(UUM-31555)
2022.2.20Android: Updated GetDeviceName() API to support SystemInfo.deviceName on API Level 32 or higher.(UUM-32514)
2022.2.19Android: Fixed escaped double quotes when using SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs.(UUM-25447)
2022.2.18Android: Added warning messages when AndroidManifest.xml from the Plugin has duplicated elements with UnityPlayerSettings.(UUM-27274)
2022.2.18Android: Fixed the Troubleshooting button URL upon gradle error.(UUM-30719)
2022.2.18Android: Removed OPENGLES uses-feature element in AndroidManifest of the exported project when not selected in Player Settings.(UUM-32676)
2022.2.17Android: Disabled --fastdeploy during application installation, since in some cases it doesn’t work correctly.(UUM-28376)
2022.2.17Android: Enabled the display of gradle tasks in progress dialog while building to Android.(UUM-31890)
2022.2.16Android: Added upgrade guide information about mainTemplate.gradle file changes.(UUM-32805)
2022.2.14Android: Enabled the unlock image to be set on each lock rather than only on the first.(UUM-21954)
2022.2.14Android: Fixed an issue where the Accelerometer values are not updated when the ASENSORTYPELINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor is disabled on certain Samsung devices.(UUM-20754)
2022.2.13Android: Fixed a frame debugger crash when using mono scripting on Android.(UUM-14632)
2022.2.12Android: An error has been added to inform when project depends on the older Google Play Library version than required by Unity.
2022.2.12Android: The BundleTool version used by Unity has been upgraded to 1.11.1.
2022.2.12Android: The default minimum version of Google Play Library for Asset Delivery has been upgraded to 2.0.0 with Unity built-in support.
2022.2.12Android: Fixed PlayAssetDelivery asset packs installation on Pixel 6 devices.(UUM-17475)
2022.2.12Android: Fixed QNX changes in atomics wrapper having side effects on Android.(UUM-10852)
2022.2.12Android: Fixed the preferred install location setting so it now works and it no longer sets to preferExternal.(UUM-25965)
2022.2.11Android: Unity will no longer wrap native crashes into java exceptions on Android, as has been the case, and will correctly forward signals to the previous handlers.
2022.2.10Android: Added UI for settings.gradle template.(UUM-27109)
2022.2.10Android: Fixed Screen.SetResolution when using split-screen and Screen.orientation changes.(UUM-19019)
2022.2.10Android: Fixed shader code generation when using SV_Coverage input.(UUM-26807)
2022.2.10Android: Replaced DIR_UNITYPROJECT in settingsTemplate.gradle.(UUM-27090)
2022.2.9Android: Build will fail, if custom asset pack does not have a valid structure.(UUM-25501)
2022.2.9Android: Fixed an issue to not move files in custom asset packs to src/main/assets, the directory structure is preserved as it is.(UUM-15109)
2022.2.9Android: Fixed an issue where Network.OperationalStatus would always return Unknown for Android.(UUM-19683)
2022.2.9Android: Fixed the Time.deltaTime values so they are now stable on Android devices.(UUM-10244)
2022.2.5Android: Fixed an issue causing builds to fail when output file has no extension and Build App Bundle (Google Play) is enabled.(UUM-10941)
2022.2.5Android: Fixed mapping file output failure when destination folder doesn’t exist.(UUM-9368)
2022.2.5Android: Warn user if both template file and disabled template file exists in project.(UUM-19338)
2022.2.4Android: Avoid GC deadlock in AndroidJavaProxy.(UUM-15968)
2022.2.4Android: PermissionCallbacks.DeniedAndDontAskAgain is no longer invoked on Android 11 and later. Use Denied instead on all versions.(UUM-20936)
2022.2.0Android: Added preliminary support for Magic Leap 2.
2022.2.0Android: Added support for Armv9 security features (PAC/BTI) for Arm64 builds.
2022.2.0Android: Added a way to include custom symbol files in the symbol zip package which can later on be uploaded to Google Play.
2022.2.0Android: Added new PlayerSettings Resolution Scaling Mode “Letterboxed”.Added black bars when the aspect ratio of the specified resolution does not match the aspect ratio of the native SurfaceView to avoid stretching.
2022.2.0Android: Apks are installed with --fastdeploy to improve replace performance for large projects.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed Android to use identical code folding with the LLD linker.
2022.2.0Android: Improved issues with Android NDK r23b.
2022.2.0Android: Improved the input event handling performance in the Input Manager by up to 30%.
2022.2.0Android: Added: Classes AndroidJNI, AndroidJNIHelper, AndroidJavaObject, AndroidJavaClass, AndroidJavaProxy have new methods for more efficient low-level interop with Java. See API docs for full list.
2022.2.0Android: Added: Hindi support to SystemLanguage.(1380309)
2022.2.0Android: Added: Introduced UnityEditor.Android.ADB.KillServerOnExit which controls a behavior where Unity would call adb kill-server on exit, effectively killing adb process, the default value for this property is true, meaning Unity will always kill adb upon exit. This can be changed either through this newly added API or from Preferences->External Tools in Unity.(1376211)
2022.2.0Android: Added: SetAndroidCPU and SetAndroidSharedLibraryType extension methods for PluginImporter (from UnityEditor.Android.Plugins namespace).
2022.2.0Android: Changed: The Android Java interop APIs now do nothing when used from unattached thread. Previously they would temporary attach a thread and return invalid local references. No change for properly written code that attaches a thread prior to calling JNI.
2022.2.0Android: Changed: Updated SupportsAccelerometer() API to return whether a device has an accelerometer sensor or not.
2022.2.0Android: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings.Android.minifyWithR8 is now obsolete: setting it now has no effect will always return true.
2022.2.0Android: Android SDK must have cmdline-tools component installed now. Unity will ignore tools component.
2022.2.0Android: Default gradle templates have changed significantly with new Gradle and AGP versions. Gradle templates in existing projects will have to be recreated based on new default templates when upgrading projects created with previous Unity versions.
2022.2.0Android: Implemented a new system to generate Android manifests internally.
2022.2.0Android: JDK 11 is now required to build Android apps.
2022.2.0Android: Removed Editor UI option that previously allowed you to choose between R8 and Proguard tools to minify code. The new AGP version doesn’t have an option to minify using proguard, so R8 is always used instead.
2022.2.0Android: Unity uses Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.2 by default.
2022.2.0Android: Unity uses Gradle 7.2 by default.
2022.2.0Android: Upgraded to using Android NDK r23b. Default linker is now lld which fixes issues with large projects and IL2CPP.
2022.2.0Android: Added proper support for Stylus in the new input system. Previously Pen was reported as mouse, now it should be reported as Pen.
2022.2.0Android: Allowed any file to be selected as keystore.(1398997)
2022.2.0Android: Changed boost documentation and timing values in the simulator to reflect the boost mode timing of 10s instead of the previous 15 seconds as it changes on the driver side.
2022.2.0Android: Changed bottleneck profiler colors to reflect warning states correctly.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed a potential app store validation issue related to a QueryIntentActivities() call when initializing the engine.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed an intermittent issue with manual lifetime tests failing.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed an issue with scaler not being initialized with settings from the Editor UI properly when using profiles.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed an issue with scaler types getting stripped out when building with IL2CPP.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed an issue with the test provider and settings showing up in Project Settings.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed Android build failure when Windows Display Language is set to Thai.(1413080)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit.(UUM-15968)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed error 'Source directory ‘….’. is not a directory when Symlink Sources option is on.(1379917)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed frequency change error case (e.g. when boost is activated). Does not retry every frame. Manual retry is required.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed issue whereby executing an Android SDK tool command would fail with a missing java error. Additionally added printed environment variables to help identify/debug similar issues.(UUM-2106)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed memory leak in WebCamTexture when using OpenGL ES.(1319089)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed opening TouchScreenKeyboard when one already exists with different parameters. Now it reopens the keyboard if parameters are different.(1381845)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed overhead of memory allocations in the Vulkan backend for allocation sizes between 128kB and 1024kB.(UUM-5966)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed ReadPixels for RGBA half formats and realtime GI on Mali using ES 2.0.(1396036)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed regression where TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() was not opening.(UUM-2112)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed simulator where temperature level and trend would not get updated when thermal action was updated.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed so that the AAB size warning in Unity editor displays base module size and total install size separately when those sizes are different.(1361085)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed the long compile times in shader warmup issue on Android with OpenGL EX by using fixed instancing batch size on PowerVR GPU.(UUM-739)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed the new Input System’s Keyboard class so it treats Button Start button clicks as Key.Enter.
2022.2.0Android: Fixed the new Input System’s Keyboard class so it treats DPad Center button clicks as Key.Enter.(1361325)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed Screen.safeArea calculations.(UUM-3972)
2022.2.0Android: Removed styles*.xml files from launcher module, since styles.xml are only used by unityLibrary AndroidManifest.xml.
2022.2.0Android: Updated Gradle build configuration to include hidden files and folders into APK, when Gradle builds.(1382574)
2022.2.0Android: Workaround for crash for many PowerVR based devices.(UUM-7782)
2022.2.0Android: Fixed error messages when hideInput is enabled in TouchScreenKeyboard.(UUM-15609)First seen in 2022.2.0b8.
2022.1.24Android: Android: Fixed error messages when hideInput is enabled in TouchScreenKeyboard(UUM-15609)
2022.1.23Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS. (UUM-15923)
2022.1.23Android: Fixed stacktrace on Chrome OS x86_64. (UUM-781)
2022.1.23Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches. (UUM-16292)
2022.1.22Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit. (UUM-15968)
2022.1.21Android: New Input System’s Keyboard class will treat DPad Center button clicks as Key.Enter. Since that’s hold the old input was treating them. (UUM-882)
2022.1.21Android: Use fixed instancing batch size on PowerVR GPUs on Android with OpenGL ES to avoid long compile times in shader warmup (UUM-739)
2022.1.19Android: Fixed overflow of MotionEvent global references. (UUM-8438)
2022.1.17Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks. (UUM-782)
2022.1.16Android: Added mono audio output support. (UUM-9205)
2022.1.16Android: Fixed an Android audio crash when targeting API Level 31 and running on an Android 12 device. Also fixed an AudioManager.GetStreamVolume exception when targeting API Level 29 or later, which caused the AudioSettings.Mobile.stopAudioOutputOnMute feature to not work correctly, if enabled. (UUM-5652)
2022.1.14Android: Fixed crash when creating pipeline objects for some URP Lit shader on some older Adreno drivers. (UUM-3650)
2022.1.12Android: Fixed Screen.safeArea returning wrong height when building Native app with Unity as a Library. (UUM-515)
2022.1.11Android: Fixed crash with Vulkan when putting app into background during startup. (UUM-915)
2022.1.9Android: Fixed overhead of memory allocations in the Vulkan backend for allocation sizes between 128kB and 1024kB. (UUM-5966)
2022.1.9Android: Fixed Patch (/And Run) failing on some Android 12 devices with “Permission Denied” or “No such file or directory”. (UUM-2445)
2022.1.8Android: Allow any file to be selected as keystore (previously only .keystore was supported). (UUM-917)
2022.1.8Android: Fixed a potential app store validation issue related to a QueryIntentActivities() call when initializing the engine.
2022.1.8Android: Fixed crash during low memory kill. (UUM-4811)
2022.1.7Android: Fixed high memory usage when uploading 2D array textures using Vulkan on Adreno devices. (1418261)
2022.1.7Android: Fixed Java local reference leak when AndroidJavaProxy is passed as argument to AndroidJavaObject.Call/CallStatic. (1389252)
2022.1.7Android: Fixed video with alpha when using Vulkan on some older devices. (1407184)
2022.1.7Android: Fixed VideoPlayer with Vulkan on Samsung GPUs. (1416478)
2022.1.7Android: To change android:screenOrientation value from “fullSensor” to “fullUser” so that the orientation of the screen can be locked when screen orientation on a device’s setting is turned off. (1410778)
2022.1.5Android: Fixed potential crash during shutdown when using Vulkan. (1423459)
2022.1.3Android: Allow 2 segment package names. (1425979)
2022.1.3Android: Fixed Screen.resolutions to return all supported refresh rates, not only 60Hz. (1426366)
2022.1.2Android: Fixed app-freezing when an application changes into multi-window(split-screen) on Chrome OS tablet mode. (1361131)
2022.1.1Android: Bump Android Logcat package to 1.3.2 version.
2022.1.1Android: Added Initial launch size metadata into AndroidManifest.xml for Chrome OS devices with Android R or higher installed. (1360064)
2022.1.1Android: Fixed a bug with Unity UGUI and UI Elements input fields, where switching languages dynamically and IME functionality was not working. (1395812)
2022.1.1Android: Fixed a Unity Audio bug related to Bluetooth audio. This was causing issues with Vivox, and possibly other 3rd part audio libraries, with Bluetooth functionality. On Android, Bluetooth audio state is basically global, so Unity Audio now only makes the bare minimum changes to this state. We may still call startBluetoothSco and stopBluetoothSco when starting or re-initializing the audio output engine and when starting/stopping the Unity microphone. We may also call AudioManager.setMode when starting/stopping a Bluetooth mic through the Unity microphone APIs, but that’s it. (1418634)
2022.1.1Android: Fixed XR subsystem initialization in case of app bundle + asset packs. (1392895)
2022.1.0Android: Added ability to include custom asset packs into the build if you add assets to the directory that ends with ‘.androidpack’.
2022.1.0Android: Added Adaptive Decals for Adaptive Performance.
2022.1.0Android: Added Adaptive Layer Culling for Adaptive Performance.
2022.1.0Android: Added Adaptive Physics for Adaptive Performance.
2022.1.0Android: Added Custom Scaler for Adaptive Performance.
2022.1.0Android: Added Visual Scripting support for Adaptive Performance.
2022.1.0Android: Enabled the Unity Editor to create asset packs if you build an Android App Bundle with Split App Binary enabled.
2022.1.0Android: Added boot-config/command-line switch “platform-android-cpucapacity-threshold” that can be used to specify which CPU cores are treated as big cores. The cpu capacity is a value in the range between 0 and 1024. A capacity value of 870 yields the same behavior as before the fix for case 1349057.
2022.1.0Android: Added support for HDR display output.
2022.1.0Android: Builds will fail early and with a human readable error message, when Unity project is located in path with Non ASCII characters. Android Tools like clang don’t work correctly when operating in paths with non ascii characters and the error is not very clear, thus Unity will provide a better error message. (1340631)
2022.1.0Android: Bump Android Logcat package to 1.2.3.
2022.1.0Android: Editor log will contain more information about the location from where OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject are called.
2022.1.0Android: Improved VideoPlayer performance on Android when using Vulkan on devices that support VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer.
2022.1.0Android: Improved WebCamTexture when using Vulkan on Android devices that support VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer.
2022.1.0Android: Input System will now send text events for combinations Ctrl + [A…Z].
2022.1.0Android: Native Input Backend will send less Move Events to the input system package. It will ignore Move Events which position didn’t change from previous event. This should improve performance when touching screen with multiple fingers.
2022.1.0Android: OBB loading performance improved and removed excessive asks for external storage read permission.
2022.1.0Android: Added: New APIs to manage fast-follow and on-demand delivered asset packs. The APIs wrap Google’s PlayCore functionality.
2022.1.0Android: Changed: UnityPlayer Java class now explicitly requires Activity instead of Context in constructors.
2022.1.0Android: Allow Android Player to use Vulkan on GPUs that are currently unknown to Unity on Android 11 or newer.
2022.1.0Android: Android Gradle Plugin version upgraded from 3.6.0 to 4.0.1.
2022.1.0Android: Gradle version upgraded from 5.6.4 to 6.1.1.
2022.1.0Android: Pdb files in development builds will now be stored along with the main apk file or main asset pack.
2022.1.0Android: Changed boost documentation and timing values in the simulator to reflect the boost mode timing of 10s instead of the previous 15 seconds as it changes on the driver side.
2022.1.0Android: Changed bottleneck profiler colors to reflect warning states correctly.
2022.1.0Android: Fixed error to log about isHdr method not found on Android 7 devices. (1402949)
2022.1.0Android: Fixed exporting Android Studio project to non-existing folder using Editor API. (1347960)
2022.1.0Android: Fixed frequency change error case (e.g. when boost is activated). Does not retry every frame. Manual retry is required.
2022.1.0Android: Fixed simulator where temperature level and trend would not get updated when thermal action was updated.
2022.1.0Android: Il2cpp resources will be extracted during player launch only when needed, for ex., changes in scripts. Previously they would be extracted each time you make a new build from Unity.
2022.1.0Android: In the new input system, the search, call, endcall, camera, focus, and headsethook keys were all mapped to various function keys. These mappings are not helpful on any current platforms, and in the case of the search key, this mapping is wrong on Chrome OS keyboards which have separate search and F2 keys. (1343608)
2022.1.0Android: Provide user friendly error message when attempting to use application patching on Chrome OS devices. (1367588)
2022.1.0Android: Removed ‘Experimental’ tag from Split APK by architectures, since this feature was stable for years, we simply forgot to remove ‘Experimental’ tag. (1364276)
2022.1.0Android: Toggling Build App Bundle in the Build Player Window will now prompt for a save location rather than attempting to use the last build location which would have been the incorrect type of package. (1329922)
2022.1.0Android: Fixed error to log about isHdr method not found on Android 7 devices. (1402949)




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​最近处理的数据量大,发现arcmap这种老产品属实是不行了,相比于下一代的Arcgis Pro,不但运行速度慢,也容易遇到突然关闭的问题,之前基于团队的选择也没办法,最近实在是被数据搞得无语了,一鼓作气装上了Arc…


目录 1、序列流 1.1 SequenceInputStream 1.2 案例:切割mp3并合并 2、 对象的序列化 2.1 ObjectOutputStream与ObjectInputStream 2.2 Serializable 3、Properties. 4、打印流 4.1 PrintStream 5、操作基本数据类型的流对象 5.1 DataInputStream以及DataOutputStrea…


书生浦语大模型全链路开源体系-第6课 书生浦语大模型全链路开源体系-第6课相关资源Lagent & AgentLego 智能体应用搭建环境准备创建虚拟环境安装LMDeploy安装 Lagent安装 AgentLego Lagent 轻量级智能体框架使用 LMDeploy 部署启动并使用 Lagent Web Demo使用自定义工具获取…


呼叫系统的技术实现原理和运作流程可以涉及多个组成部分,包括硬件设备、软件系统和通信协议。以下是一般情况下呼叫系统的技术实现原理和运作流程的概述: 硬件设备: 服务器:用于承载呼叫系统的核心软件和数据库。电话交换机&#…


这里写自定义目录标题 欢迎使用Markdown编辑器新的改变功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants 创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个…


Linux操作系统中有许多常用的命令,每个命令都有其英文全称(Full Name)和中文解释。以下是一些常见的Linux命令及其英文全称和中文解释的列表: 你猜猜这个是哪个软件的快捷键↑ man: Manual 意思是手册,可以用这个命…

如何让指定 Windows 程序崩溃

一、为何要把人家搞崩溃呢 看到这个标题,大家可能觉得奇怪,为什么要让指定程序崩溃呢,难道是想作恶吗?😓 哈哈,绝对不是,真实原因是这样的。如果大家用过 Windows 电脑,可能见过类…

【个人博客搭建】(3)添加SqlSugar ORM 以及Json配置文件读取

1、安装sqlsugar。在models下的依赖项那右击选择管理Nuget程序包,输入sqlsugarcore(因为我们用的是netcore,而不是net famework所以也对应sqlsugarcore),出来的第一个就是了,然后点击选择版本,一…


传媒如春雨,润物细无声,大家好,我是51媒体网胡老师。 在组织展会时,媒体宣传服务的执行是提升展会知名度和影响力的关键环节。 确定目标媒体:根据展会的主题和目标受众,选择适合的媒体进行邀请。这可能包…

微软 SDL 安全研发生命周期详解

微软SDL(Security Development Lifecycle)是一种安全软件开发的方法论,它强调在整个产品开发过程中融入安全考虑因素。SDL 是一个动态的过程,包括多个阶段和活动,以确保产品的安全开发、测试、部署和运行。Microsoft 要…

2023天梯赛 L3_2 完美树 【树形DP、01最大/小价值】

完美树 思路 观察发现:如果一颗子树 u u u,它刚好有偶数个节点,那么 0 0 0 和 1 1 1 的染色数量一定相等,如果有奇数个节点,那么 0 0 0 和 1 1 1 的数量一定恰好相差 1 1 1(可能是 0 0 0 多&#x…


简介 一个读取、写入操作音视频文件编辑的工具。 编译运行 1、通过IDE工具下载依赖SDK,Tools->SDK Manager->Openharmony SDK 把native选项勾上下载,API版本>10 2、开发板选择RK3568,ROM下载地址. 选择开发板类型是rk3568&#xf…


目录 1 高可用的概念 2 心跳监测与漂移 IP 地址 3 Keepalived服务介绍 4 Keepalived故障切换转移原理介绍 5 Keepalived 实现 Nginx 的高可用集群 5.1 项目背景 5.2 项目环境 5.3 项目部署 5.3.1 web01\web02配置: 5.3.2nginx负载均衡配置 5.3.3 主调度服…